What is whitespace؟
The different types of white space you need to know
We usually divide white space into two different categories:
Micro vs. White Space. precise
Small and large white space White space on volume.
Small white spaces refer to smaller spaces and buffers built around content. For example, a small distance can be found for example:
the words
Navigation links
Pictures or content in the network
The image is from the small white space
As for large white space, it refers to larger areas of content. For example, a macro whitespace can be found:
On the sidelines of the site
About the logo in the head
between page sections
In hero photos
In the center of the main content and the ribbon
in the pictures
About CTA
It is the white space of the university.
Negative white space and white space
It is worth noting that if the positive areas equal the negative areas in the design model, the feeling of depth decreases, and the composition becomes more stable in terms of visibility.
For example, think of the area of a room in your house. A room is a three-dimensional space of height, width, and depth in the form of walls, floors, and ceilings. The room contains furniture, mattresses and some personal belongings.
The way furniture and objects are designed, organized, and arranged define negative spaces or define space. And based on the way the furniture and objects are designed, this results in the human behavior inside the room. Is the design spacious, for example, to allow relaxation, work or reading...and so on.
A graphic designer does the same thing, which is to make use of space for design goals and purposes. Where the designer creates a composition containing the design elements (color, textures, shapes, within the space.
The designer works on a design program, which is a two-dimensional sheet or space. Through the designer's ability to create the composition, he transforms the two-dimensional space into a three-dimensional design model.
Actual Space
The area occupied by the visual formation is defined physically as physical space, and the remaining space is the void.
Actual Space
The manipulation of the faces of flat shapes to create a perception or the illusion of depth, movement or direction is called conceptual space. It relies on illusion to deceive the mind and eye of the viewer.
Psychological space
The visual structure that affects the mind and eye of the viewer is called psychological space.
Physical Space
It represents the void around all the things around us in the built environment around us as we see the museum, the airport, the houses, and so on. And also simple details such as traffic lights, exhibits in art galleries or museums, etc.